Saturday, May 3, 2008

Automating Exploitation Creation

Some academic security researchers at Carnegie Mellon have released a very compelling paper which introduces the idea that just monitoring a vendor's patch releases can allow for an automated exploit creation. (They call it "APEG".) They claim that automated analysis of the diffs between a pre-patched program and a patched program is possible-- and that in some cases an exploit can be created in mere minutes when some clients take hours or days to check in and install their updates! Granted there is some well established commentary from Halvar Flake about the use of the term "exploit" since the APEG paper really only describes "vulnerability triggers" (Halvar's term).

Our friends at Carnegie Mellon have proved that the emperor hath no clothes. Creating exploits from analyzing patches is certainly not new. What is novel, in this case, is how the exploit creation process is automated:
"In our evaluation, for the cases when a public proof- of-concept exploit is available, the exploits we generate are often different than those publicly described. We also demonstrate that we can automatically generate polymorphic exploit variants. Finally, we are able to automatically generate exploits for vulnerabilities which, to the best of our knowledge, have no previously published exploit."

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